Training on Gender, Climatic Change and Agriculture Linkages

Training on Gender, Climatic Change and Agriculture Linkages conducted from August 17 -19, 2016, held at Institute of Education, Dar es Salaam Tanzania.


Training Objectives

The specific objectives of the training were:
  1. Understanding how men/women manage and negotiate their roles and responsibilities at household, communities and society
  2. Understanding division of labor and decision-making patterns
  3. Exploring existing gender relations and inequalities, causes & impact on socio-economic development
  4. Analysis of impacts of unsustainable utilization of natural resources and climatic change on women, men, boys and girls and related socio-economic issues
  5. Undertaking stakeholder analysis (different priorities, risks and vulnerabilities linked to unsustainable utilization of natural resource, resilience strategies among men and women, what they are willing to invest in change, and what benefits they can expect to get from a proposed intervention)
  6. Undertaking livelihood analysis (understand men’s and women’s options, their access to services, education, markets, their vulnerabilities to climate change, and their coping strategies and opportunities)
  7. Gender mainstreaming in natural resource related projects
  8. Gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation systems in Natural resources

Training Methodology

To achieve the aforementioned objectives, various topics were presented and discussed during the three training days employing participatory adult learning methodologies mainly brainstorming sessions, buzz group discussions questions & answers, observations and suggestions and brief presentations using computer program - Microsoft PowerPoint.  Live discussions were maintained and encouraged the participants to air their views and share experiences all the time. The discussion sessions were very resourceful because they enabled the participants to reflect on key lessons and how the same can be applied in their project implementation.  In order to ensure active and effective participation, both Kiswahili and English language was used as the medium of communication.

Training on Gender, Climatic Change and Agriculture Linkages Training on Gender, Climatic Change and Agriculture Linkages Reviewed by Sustainable Catchment Management through Enhanced Environmental Flow Assessment and Implementation for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities in Tanzania on 03:48 Rating: 5

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